Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Days 4-6 of NaNoWriMo

So I have really been enjoying NaNoWriMo! I am just a little bit above my goal so far.
Day 4: I wrote 1810 words. I struggled a bit this day to get my mind into what I was writing, it will be deeply edited when I am done with the book, lol. I love what I was writing about, I just need it to be more and better.
Day 5: I wrote 1544 words. I didn't struggle as bad, but still a little. I think it was mainly cause I didn't get near enough sleep, so I was tired.
Day 6: I wrote 488 words. It was a busy day, so I didn't get much written, but I am glad I did get some at least.
This gives me a total of 3842 for these 3 days and a grand total of 8846 for the last 6 days.

My goal was to be at 10,000 by the end of day 6, but at least I am close and should be able to make up the loss soon.

Happy writing!

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