Friday, December 1, 2017

Days 18-30: NaNoWriMo 2017

Day 18: I wrote 2,966 words bringing my total up to 25,210 words in total.
Day 19: I wrote 1,528 words bringing my total up to 26,738 words.
Day 20: I was sadly busy all day so I wasn't able to get any words written.
Day 21: I pulled off 3,283 words today! This brought my total word count to 30,0021.
Day 22: In preparation for Thanksgiving, I just didn't have time to get any words down.
Day 23: During the day I had a bit of time so I was about to get 1,245 words! Which give me a grand total of 31,266 words.
Day 24: I was only able to get about 468 words down. Hopping my total up to 31,734.
Day 25: I wasn't feeling the best so I wasn't able to get any words down.
Day 26: I only ended up getting 641 words down giving me a total of 32,375 words.
Day 27: I got 344 words down. Giving me a total of 32,719 words.
Day 28 - 30: I didn't get any words down, one of my doggies had to have surgery so I was putting my focus on that. He's doing great now, no worries!

So, I did fall short of the 50,000-word goal. But, I got to 32,719 words which for my first NaNoWriMo I'd say is pretty good! I am proud of myself for making a great effort and really putting as much of myself into it as possible. I will keep writing and hopefully finish off my memoir at some point in the near future!

Next year I will be entering again and maybe with a new book even! :)

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